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From funding essentials to urgent issue briefings – and everywhere in between – Catalyst events foster brave spaces to learn, push boundaries and grow together.

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Advancing Equity through Organizational Culture and Operations | FRE Session 4

Organized by: Philanthropy California

In this fourth session of the Foundations of Racial Equity series, we will deepen our understanding and awareness of how our identities  impact our work. We will practice discussing experiences of identity, which is out of pattern for most workplaces. In the two modules of this session, participants will engage in conversation and activities to link … Continue reading Advancing Equity through Organizational Culture and Operations | FRE Session 4

Funder Meeting

Early Childhood Funders Meeting

The Early Childhood Funders seek to motivate a sense of urgency around early childhood needs and bring together philanthropists, investors, and public funding to increase access to high-quality early childhood care and education in the San Diego region. Target Audience This meeting is open to all staff and board of Catalyst member organizations and eligible … Continue reading Early Childhood Funders Meeting

Partner Event

Guaranteed Income: Moving from Pilots to Policy

Millions of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck without sufficient liquid resources that can be quickly converted into cash to deal with financial shocks. In fact, prior to the pandemic, nearly 40 percent of Americans did not have enough savings on hand to cover a $400 emergency. COVID-19 has exposed long-standing racial and economic … Continue reading Guaranteed Income: Moving from Pilots to Policy

Funder Meeting

Binational Migration Funders Meeting

The Binational Migration Funders seek to ensure the legal and wellness needs of all immigrants and refugees who pass from Mexico through San Diego and Imperial Counties are met, and advocates for sustainable permanent immigration infrastructure to meet those needs in the future. The vision of the Binational Migration Funders Collaborative acknowledges the need for … Continue reading Binational Migration Funders Meeting


October’s Third Thirsty Impact Thursday

Third Thirsty Impact Thursdays are back to in person! Join us at The WineSellar & Brasserie in Sorrento Valley, which offers great atmosphere, a seasonal French menu, and fine wines. Out of an abundance of caution, guests must be fully vaccinated to join; we'll also be outdoors and the venue's safety protocols state guests must … Continue reading October’s Third Thirsty Impact Thursday


State of the Arts: Education

We invite you to join us for the fourth session in a six-part Learning Series in partnership with the Clare Rose Foundation and the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. State of the Arts: Education, will explore how Creative Youth Development programs are meeting this critical moment for young people. The entire … Continue reading State of the Arts: Education


Advocacy 101

Much of our time is spent fine-tuning effective grantmaking and investment practices, but how many of us look at the policies that create a need for grantmaking? This session will explore a powerful tool that is available to you and your grantees/investees: advocacy. While funding can address impacts that have already occurred, changes in public … Continue reading Advocacy 101

Organized by: Philanthropy California

The worsening drought, heatwaves, and wildfires in California will require urgent and coordinated efforts from the philanthropic sector to support community response, recovery, and long-term resilience. Philanthropy California invites funders who are currently responding or looking to respond to our current natural hazard crises to participate in our monthly funders discussion that addresses immediate and … Continue reading Addressing Community Needs and Resilience Arising from Drought, Extreme Heat, and Wildfires | Part 3

Funder Meeting

Military Funders Meeting

The Military Funders is a funder collaboration that focuses on helping military and veteran families in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Military Funders connects Catalyst members and cross-sector partners to learn and explore ways to collectively support local active military personnel, veterans, and their families. Currently exploring mental health issues, the group began its collaborative … Continue reading Military Funders Meeting


2021 Catalyst Annual Conference

Registration is now closed. Please contact with any questions. As we take intrepid steps forward into a world forever changed, All In examines the skill sets and mindsets being embraced by a wave of leaders who are collectively weaving a new story for our region. Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) President and CEO Marcus … Continue reading 2021 Catalyst Annual Conference

Funder Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness in San Diego County. The group is fiscally sponsored by Catalyst. FTEHSD’s goal is to build a San Diego County collaborative of funders who are … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting


Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Lens | Foundations of Racial Equity Session 5

Organized by: Philanthropy California

Anti-Black racism and white supremacy are embedded in philanthropy and in our institutions, often invisible to the majority of us, even as we work with intention towards equity and justice. As change agents within philanthropy, we are stretching to become our best selves, rise to the moment, and progress toward racial equity. In order to … Continue reading Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Lens | Foundations of Racial Equity Session 5

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