Learn more about the need and opportunity to provide mental health support to mothers and children. This session invites you to a conversation with Lily Valmidiano & Pradeep Gidwani from … Continue reading Early Childhood Funders Meeting: Mental Health Support for Mothers & Children
Funder Meeting
Investing for Quality Jobs and Wealth Generation: Employee ownership for frontline and BIPOC workers
Employee ownership is an evidenced-based wealth generation tool for frontline workers and their families, and a powerful tool to build an inclusive economy. Alliance Healthcare Foundation, Project Equity and Mission Driven Finance will discuss their … Continue reading Investing for Quality Jobs and Wealth Generation: Employee ownership for frontline and BIPOC workers
Funder Meeting
Military Funders Meeting
The Military Funders is a funder collaboration that focuses on helping military and veteran families in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Military Funders connects Catalyst members and cross-sector partners to … Continue reading Military Funders Meeting
Funder Meeting
Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting
Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting
Funder Meeting
STEAM Funders Meeting
The STEAM Funders support education and training that contributes to a workforce pipeline trained in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, with strong creativity and interpersonal skills. Established in July 2016, … Continue reading STEAM Funders Meeting
Funder Meeting
Binational Migration Funders Meeting
The Binational Migration Funders seek to ensure the legal and wellness needs of all immigrants and refugees who pass from Mexico through San Diego and Imperial Counties are met, and … Continue reading Binational Migration Funders Meeting
Funder Meeting
Membership Orientation
Are you stuck in a rut? Looking to understand more about all your Catalyst membership and community of funders can do for you? This session is for you! Join us … Continue reading Membership Orientation
Funder Meeting
Impact Investing Series: Strategic Investments in Small Business to Sustain Resilient Communities
Join us as we kick off this four-part impact investing series exploring lessons learned in investments that advance racial equity solutions across issue areas, proudly presented in partnership with Bank … Continue reading Impact Investing Series: Strategic Investments in Small Business to Sustain Resilient Communities
Funder Meeting
Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting
Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting
Funder Meeting
Corporate Philanthropy Session
A company's commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion within its corporate social responsibility can significantly differentiate its brand among community members and prospective employees. However, DEI initiatives tend to focus … Continue reading Corporate Philanthropy Session
Funder Meeting
San Diego Food Funders Meeting
The San Diego Food Funders is a Catalyst funder collaborative that supports the creation of an equitable food system by addressing hunger and other challenges. They stay connected to the … Continue reading San Diego Food Funders Meeting
Funder Meeting
Status of Youth Homelessness
What is the status of youth homelessness in San Diego? How has the pandemic affected youth? Over the past several years, providers and advocates who serve homeless youth have coordinated … Continue reading Status of Youth Homelessness