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Funder Meeting

Leading Equity Series

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

In March 2021, Catalyst is re-launching our Leading Equity Series, virtually. This multi-day series will provide you interactive ways to learn about and practice equity-building tools in a cohort, build … Continue reading Leading Equity Series

Employee ownership is an evidenced-based wealth generation tool for frontline workers and their families, and a powerful tool to build an inclusive economy. Alliance Healthcare Foundation, Project Equity and Mission Driven Finance will discuss their … Continue reading Investing for Quality Jobs and Wealth Generation: Employee ownership for frontline and BIPOC workers

Funder Meeting

Military Funders Meeting

The Military Funders is a funder collaboration that focuses on helping military and veteran families in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Military Funders connects Catalyst members and cross-sector partners to … Continue reading Military Funders Meeting

Funder Meeting

STEAM Funders Meeting

The STEAM Funders support education and training that contributes to a workforce pipeline trained in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, with strong creativity and interpersonal skills. Established in July 2016, … Continue reading STEAM Funders Meeting

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