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From funding essentials to urgent issue briefings – and everywhere in between – Catalyst events foster brave spaces to learn, push boundaries and grow together.

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Funder Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness in San Diego County. The group is fiscally sponsored by Catalyst. FTEHSD’s goal is to build a San Diego County collaborative of funders who are … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Organized by: Philanthropy California

California is in the midst of another historic wildfire season. Already, several major and lesser known fires have destroyed communities and displaced tens of thousands of residents throughout Northern California. The state of California has secured Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for several counties to support wildfire response and recovery efforts, and more counties are expected … Continue reading State of the California Wildfires: Philanthropy’s Role in Equitably Addressing Immediate and Long-term Needs

Funder Meeting

Corporate Philanthropy Session

The Corporate Philanthropy Series at Catalyst is designed for people who work in corporate philanthropy. This session will focus on building an ongoing corporate commitment to racial justice that is more permanent and enduring than in-the-moment statements and actions when faced with crises. Qualcomm recently hosted the Racial Justice Giving Initiative (RJGI) showcase. In addition … Continue reading Corporate Philanthropy Session

Partner Event

Occupational Segregation and Wealth Stripping – Two Sides of the Same Coin

The pandemic has exposed the hidden rules of our economy and education systems. Our current laws, policies, regulations, normative practices and narratives establish a racial and gender hierarchy of opportunity, ensuring Latinx and Black women are funneled into the lowest paying jobs with few employer benefits. Currently, 90% of occupations are racially segregated in the … Continue reading Occupational Segregation and Wealth Stripping – Two Sides of the Same Coin

Funder Meeting

San Diego Food Funders Meeting

The San Diego Food Funders is a Catalyst funder collaborative that supports the creation of an equitable food system by addressing hunger and other challenges. They stay connected to the latest briefings, learning and information on food insecurity in San Diego County. Areas of interest for the collaborative include: Opportunities to leverage public resources (e.g. … Continue reading San Diego Food Funders Meeting

Partner Event

System Change Investing: What, Why, and How?

Organized by: Philanthropy California

Registration is closed for this event. If you are interested in attending, please contact How can institutions and individuals go beyond conventional investing and rethink how investment decisions can better address complex problems such as income inequality and climate change on a deep, systemic level? Join us to hear from leading thinkers and authors … Continue reading System Change Investing: What, Why, and How?


State of the Arts: Health & Wellness

We invite you to join us for the third session in a six-part Learning Series in partnership with the Clare Rose Foundation and the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. We’ll explore and learn with national, regional, and local thought leaders about how arts and culture are key drivers in creating healthier … Continue reading State of the Arts: Health & Wellness


SoCal Grantmakers 2021 Virtual Annual Conference

Organized by: SoCal Grantmakers

The SoCal Grantmakers 2021 Annual Conference will occur virtually during two half days on Tuesday, September 28th from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM and Thursday, September 30th from 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST. Rise Up: Closing the Racial Wealth Divide is an invitation for funders to confront the wide and persistent racial wealth gap … Continue reading SoCal Grantmakers 2021 Virtual Annual Conference


Scaling the Use of Loan Guarantees in Impact Investing

The session will demystify the perceived challenges to implementing loan guarantees, such as sourcing opportunities, conducting due diligence, and structuring the deal. The goal is to highlight strategies that utilize partnerships and collaborations with other funders or intermediaries to inspire investments from those who might be hesitant without a guarantee in place. If you're curious … Continue reading Scaling the Use of Loan Guarantees in Impact Investing


Investment Strategies to Address Climate Change in California

Organized by: Philanthropy California

In California, heatwaves are becoming more common, snow is melting earlier in spring, and in the southern region, less rain is falling. The state's climate is changing drastically. These changes are likely to further decrease the supply of water, increase the risk of wildfires, and threaten coastal development and ecosystems, impacting the health, livelihoods, and … Continue reading Investment Strategies to Address Climate Change in California

Partner Event

Addressing Drought Relief and Water Resilience California

Organized by: Philanthropy California

Unprecedented levels of drought continue to plague California and show no signs of slowing down. These historic consequences not only signal the impacts of a changing climate, but also point to the continued over-subscription of available water resources and underscore the importance of directing strategies and funding towards long-term drought response and resilience. Communities across … Continue reading Addressing Drought Relief and Water Resilience California

Funder Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness in San Diego County. The group is fiscally sponsored by Catalyst. FTEHSD’s goal is to build a San Diego County collaborative of funders who are … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

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