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The harsh and punitive practices that inform America’s criminal justice and immigration enforcement systems have roots in white supremacy, with immigrant communities and communities of color often pitted against each … Continue reading Intersectional Justice: Narrative and Organizing Work at the Intersection of Immigrant Justice and Criminal Justice Reform

Organized by: Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Native Americans are a richly diverse and growing population, but as an ethnicity, they are disproportionately affected by disasters. This reality is true for those who live on reservations and … Continue reading Disaster Philanthropy and Native Americans: Practical Tips for Funding On and Off Reservations

Organized by: Philanthropy California

A California that allows all residents to reach their full potential requires both a focus on racial equity, inclusion, and justice, and a commitment to challenging the systemic issues that … Continue reading United We Stand: Creating an Inclusive California through a Robust Movement Building Ecosystem

Organized by: Philanthropy California

This past year, California encountered its most challenging period in recent history. The pandemic exposed systemic barriers that have long been neglected across health, housing, and the workforce while also … Continue reading Intersecting Equity, Health, Housing, and Workforce with Aging: New Philanthropic Opportunities

Organized by: Philanthropy California

As California wildfires devastate communities throughout the state, significant financial, material, and human resources are deployed to support recovery and reduce their threats on communities. Despite the well-publicized socioeconomic and … Continue reading Incarcerated Firefighters: At the Intersection of Abolition, Workforce Development, and Wildfire Resilience

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