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From funding essentials to urgent issue briefings – and everywhere in between – Catalyst events foster brave spaces to learn, push boundaries and grow together.

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Funder Meeting

STEAM Funders Meeting

This is a meeting of the STEAM Funders, a collaboration facilitated by Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. STEAM funder meetings are open to all staff, trustees, and donors of Catalyst member organizations and eligible guests who are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education. We respectfully request that attendees refrain from … Continue reading STEAM Funders Meeting

Funder Meeting

Binational Migration Funders Meeting

This is a meeting of the Binational Migration Funders, a collaboration facilitated by Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. These meetings are open to all staff, trustees, and donors of Catalyst member organizations and eligible guests who are interested in binational migration issues. We respectfully request that attendees refrain from engaging in fundraising and … Continue reading Binational Migration Funders Meeting

Funder Meeting

At the Frontlines of Systemic Change: Perspectives from Community Mobilizing and Advocacy

To navigate a path out of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its disproportionate effect on the health and economic well-being of Black, Indigenous, and people of color, the nonprofit and philanthropy sectors must partner with government and business and also hold them accountable in order to create large-scale systemic change. Join local nonprofit leaders on … Continue reading At the Frontlines of Systemic Change: Perspectives from Community Mobilizing and Advocacy

Funder Meeting

San Diego Food Funders Meeting

This is a meeting of the San Diego Food Funders, a collaboration facilitated by Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. These meetings are open to all staff, trustees, and donors of Catalyst member organizations and eligible guests who are interested in hunger and other food system challenges. We respectfully request that attendees refrain from … Continue reading San Diego Food Funders Meeting

Funder Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

This is a meeting of Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD), a collaboration facilitated by Catalyst. Funders Together to End Homelessness meetings are open to FTESD members, Catalyst members, and invited guests who are interested in supporting investments to end homelessness. We respectfully request that attendees refrain from engaging in fundraising and other … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funder Meeting

Leading Equity Series

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

In March 2021, Catalyst is re-launching our Leading Equity Series, virtually. This multi-day series will provide you interactive ways to learn about and practice equity-building tools in a cohort, build supportive peer relationships for this journey, and interact with community organizations such as Black Lives Matter San Diego, Comite Civico del Valle, and Kumeyaay Community … Continue reading Leading Equity Series

Funder Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness in San Diego County. The group is fiscally sponsored by Catalyst. FTEHSD’s goal is to build a San Diego County collaborative of funders who are … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funder Meeting

Corporate Philanthropy Session

Over the past year, different sectors, including corporate philanthropy, are earnestly attempting to align themselves with the reality that racial equity must be prioritized to address existing conditions that perpetuate inequities. However, many organizations are finding it challenging to identify where to begin. How can we move beyond releasing statements for racial equity and back … Continue reading Corporate Philanthropy Session

Funder Meeting

Early Childhood Funders Meeting: Mental Health Support for Mothers & Children

Learn more about the need and opportunity to provide mental health support to mothers and children. This session invites you to a conversation with Lily Valmidiano & Pradeep Gidwani from the County of San Diego's Healthy Development Services and Sahra Abdi from United Women of East Africa who will discuss how supports to mothers can … Continue reading Early Childhood Funders Meeting: Mental Health Support for Mothers & Children

Employee ownership is an evidenced-based wealth generation tool for frontline workers and their families, and a powerful tool to build an inclusive economy. Alliance Healthcare Foundation, Project Equity and Mission Driven Finance will discuss their partnership to expand employee ownership models for small businesses with majority BIPOC employees through its impact investment portfolio. Hear about why they have made this … Continue reading Investing for Quality Jobs and Wealth Generation: Employee ownership for frontline and BIPOC workers

Funder Meeting

Military Funders Meeting

The Military Funders is a funder collaboration that focuses on helping military and veteran families in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Military Funders connects Catalyst members and cross-sector partners to learn and explore ways to collectively support local active military personnel, veterans, and their families. Currently exploring mental health issues, the group began its collaborative … Continue reading Military Funders Meeting

Funder Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness in San Diego County. The group is fiscally sponsored by Catalyst. FTEHSD’s goal is to build a San Diego County collaborative of funders who are … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness Meeting

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