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Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties Search

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD) is a Catalyst collaborative of individual, public and private funders that explore and invest in effective systems change and services to end homelessness in San Diego County.

FTEHSD’s goal is to build a San Diego County collaborative of funders who are committed to solving homelessness through leadership, education, and advocacy; strategic collaboration, alignment and focus of resources; and effective promotion and replication of evidence-based practices in our community. To-date, FTEHSD has granted nearly $2 million in funds to address homelessness in the San Diego region. FTEHSD is part of the national Funders Together to End Homelessness network.

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Who We Are

Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego invests in an evidence-based Housing First model, aligned with national best practices to end homelessness.

Take Action

Be a part of the solution by donating, volunteering, and speaking up.


We invest in systems change using an evidence-based Housing First model, aligned with national best practices to end homelessness.


We make grants by invitation only to organizations or programs that meet our grant criteria.


Kaiser Permanente

Monica Ball

The Parker Foundation
Wells Fargo

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