Asian Solidarity Collective
Asian Solidarity Collective activates Asian American social justice consciousness, identifies intersectional affiliations, condemns anti-Blackness, and builds Asian solidarity with other communities of color.

Environmental Health Coalition
Environmental Health Coalition is dedicated to achieving environmental and social justice. We believe that justice is accomplished by empowered communities acting together to make social change. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC supports broad efforts that create a just society and fosters a healthy and sustainable quality of life.

Foodshed Inc.
Foodshed cultivates equity by aggregating local produce from small, regenerative farms and distributing it to people who are committed to food justice and/or negatively impacted by inequities in our food system.

Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) is a research, public policy, and community organizing hub dedicated to advancing the full economic, social, & civic inclusion of refugees.

Pillars of the Community
Pillars of the Community is committed to embracing and celebrating the historic, rich, and diverse culture of Southeast San Diego. Tgetstrive to counter the criminalization of our community through community organizing, leadership development, and strategic partnerships.

Project New Village
Project New Village engages in dialogue and collaboration with communities that have been historically reaped for agricultural production, but continue to be food poor and most affected by climate change.

San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition
This project aims to generate greater alignment around environmental justice and equity by engaging communities of concern that are bearing the brunt of environmental degradation and air pollution.

United Taxi Workers of San Diego
Established self-sufficiency for United Dispatch, a minority-led nonprofit enterprise that empowers low-income, immigrant taxi drivers to earn livable incomes and get fair treatment in their work.

Universidad Popular
Universidad Popular is a grassroots community-based organization promoting health, education and nurturing a culture of trust and civic participation in our nation’s democratic process. We bring together community leaders and educators with bold ideas who create programs that are culturally and linguistically responsive, data-driven, and social justice focused.

100 Strong led by Shoe Drive Worldwide
Solidarity Farm builds food system equity by encouraging climate-smart production methods in regional small farms and increasing the availability of healthy and climate-smart food.

Asian Solidarity Collective
Asian Solidarity Collective activates Asian American social justice consciousness, identifies intersectional affiliations, condemns anti-Blackness, and builds Asian solidarity with other communities of color.

Black Lives Matter San Diego led by Call Blackline
A liberation movement for ALL Black people.

Community Advocates for Just & Moral Governance
Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance (MoGo) promotes good governance. MoGo is committed to engaging in litigation and various forms of advocacy that will make government more just and fully accountable to all people, particularly those who have been marginalized from society.

Dede McClure Community Bail Fund via Peace Resource Center
The DeDe McClure Memorial Community Bail Fund is a grassroots organization committed to educating and empowering community members to fight against the devastating effects of the cash bail system, and supporting those who have been victimized by it.

Environmental Health Coalition
Environmental Health Coalition is dedicated to achieving environmental and social justice. We believe that justice is accomplished by empowered communities acting together to make social change. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC supports broad efforts that create a just society and fosters a healthy and sustainable quality of life.

Foodshed Inc.
Foodshed cultivates equity by aggregating local produce from small, regenerative farms and distributing it to people who are committed to food justice and/or negatively impacted by inequities in our food system.

HoMEwork led by John Lyons Foundation
HoMEwork helps former inmates in San Diego work toward living a better life. The program was founded by San Diego Fire-Rescue Department Captain Jason Shanley who says his life’s purpose is to be a voice for the voiceless

Homie UP
Homie Universidad Popular (Homie UP) is designed to develop critical consciousness, affirm cultural and political identity via Chican@ popular education.

I Am Green
I Am Green’s vision is to assist community members in identifying sustainable practices that have been passed down from generation to generation and determine how we can use said practices to live a more robust, resilient, and regenerative life!

March for Black Womxn San Diego
In 2017, Black Women in San Diego, led by Nyisha Green-Washington were inspired by Black Women’s Blueprint National Call to Action to march and meet to lift up demands for racial justice, to denounce the propagation of state-violence and the widespread incarceration of Black women and girls, rape and all sexualized violence, the murders and brutalization of transwomen and the disappearances of our girls from our streets, our schools and our homes; to advocate for political change focused on intersectional women’s rights issues like poverty, affordable housing, reproductive rights, immigration protections and must center on the most vulnerable.

Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) is a research, public policy, and community organizing hub dedicated to advancing the full economic, social, & civic inclusion of refugees.

Pillars of the Community
Pillars of the Community is committed to embracing and celebrating the historic, rich, and diverse culture of Southeast San Diego. Tgetstrive to counter the criminalization of our community through community organizing, leadership development, and strategic partnerships.

Project New Village
Project New Village engages in dialogue and collaboration with communities that have been historically reaped for agricultural production, but continue to be food poor and most affected by climate change.

San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition
This project aims to generate greater alignment around environmental justice and equity by engaging communities of concern that are bearing the brunt of environmental degradation and air pollution.

100 Strong led by Shoe Drive Worldwide
Solidarity Farm builds food system equity by encouraging climate-smart production methods in regional small farms and increasing the availability of healthy and climate-smart food.

Asian Solidarity Collective
Asian Solidarity Collective activates Asian American social justice consciousness, identifies intersectional affiliations, condemns anti-Blackness, and builds Asian solidarity with other communities of color.

Bayview Community Development Corporation
Bayview Community Development Corporation serves as a catalyst for improving the economic condition in underserved Communities throughout San Diego County by developing affordable housing, business and community opportunities which will create sustainable quality of life.

Black Lives Matter San Diego led by Call Blackline
A liberation movement for ALL Black people.

Community Advocates for Just & Moral Governance
Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance (MoGo) promotes good governance. MoGo is committed to engaging in litigation and various forms of advocacy that will make government more just and fully accountable to all people, particularly those who have been marginalized from society.

Dede McClure Community Bail Fund via Peace Resource Center
The DeDe McClure Memorial Community Bail Fund is a grassroots organization committed to educating and empowering community members to fight against the devastating effects of the cash bail system, and supporting those who have been victimized by it.

Environmental Health Coalition
Environmental Health Coalition is dedicated to achieving environmental and social justice. We believe that justice is accomplished by empowered communities acting together to make social change. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC supports broad efforts that create a just society and fosters a healthy and sustainable quality of life.

Epiphany Women in Focus
At T.H.E C.I.R.C.L.E by Epiphany, we believe in providing safe spaces for individuals and families from our underserved community. We achieve this by using restorative, trauma-informed care to assist with healing from adverse childhood experiences and traumas. Our goal is to develop our community and to manage conflict/tensions by not only repairing harm and restoring relationships, but by empowering individuals/families with the space, education, resources, and referrals needed to obtain successful skills for coping with life.

Gladiators Gym
Housing kids from all walks of life and affiliations, Gladiator Gym is a safe place to release stress, build trust and work on self-development.

HoMEwork led by John Lyons Foundation
HoMEwork helps former inmates in San Diego work toward living a better life. The program was founded by San Diego Fire-Rescue Department Captain Jason Shanley who says his life’s purpose is to be a voice for the voiceless

I Am Green
I Am Green’s vision is to assist community members in identifying sustainable practices that have been passed down from generation to generation and determine how we can use said practices to live a more robust, resilient, and regenerative life!

March for Black Womxn San Diego
In 2017, Black Women in San Diego, led by Nyisha Green-Washington were inspired by Black Women’s Blueprint National Call to Action to march and meet to lift up demands for racial justice, to denounce the propagation of state-violence and the widespread incarceration of Black women and girls, rape and all sexualized violence, the murders and brutalization of transwomen and the disappearances of our girls from our streets, our schools and our homes; to advocate for political change focused on intersectional women’s rights issues like poverty, affordable housing, reproductive rights, immigration protections and must center on the most vulnerable.

Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) is a research, public policy, and community organizing hub dedicated to advancing the full economic, social, & civic inclusion of refugees.

Paving Great Futures
Paving Great Future’s goal is to increase the health and wealth in underserved communities in order for marginalized and at risk individuals to thrive socially, economically, and politically.

The CommUnity Spot Collaborative led by Pillars of the Community
The Spot is a home base for leaders from—and working within—the Southeast region to congregate and build a sense of community; offer mentoring/educational support; and support local entrepreneurship.

Solidarity Farm
Solidarity Farm builds food system equity by encouraging climate-smart production methods in regional small farms and increasing the availability of healthy and climate-smart food.

San Diego Transportation Equity Working Group
This collaborative group seeks to advance and implement regional transportation plans that prioritize reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in climate vulnerable communities of color.

Project New Village
Project New Village engages in dialogue and collaboration with communities that have been historically reaped for agricultural production, but continue to be food poor and most affected by climate change.

San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition
This project aims to generate greater alignment around environmental justice and equity by engaging communities of concern that are bearing the brunt of environmental degradation and air pollution.

United Taxi Workers of San Diego
Established self-sufficiency for United Dispatch, a minority-led nonprofit enterprise that empowers low-income, immigrant taxi drivers to earn livable incomes and get fair treatment in their work.

Universidad Popular
Universidad Popular is a grassroots community-based organization promoting health, education and nurturing a culture of trust and civic participation in our nation’s democratic process. We bring together community leaders and educators with bold ideas who create programs that are culturally and linguistically responsive, data-driven, and social justice focused.

Advancing Healthy Neighborhoods
Advancing Healthy Neighborhoods builds the agency and voice of refugee and immigrant families as equal participants in the civic, environmental and economic life in El Cajon and City Heights.

Asian Solidarity Collective
Asian Solidarity Collective activates Asian American social justice consciousness, identifies intersectional affiliations, condemns anti-Blackness, and builds Asian solidarity with other communities of color.

Semillas de Libertad led by Homie UP
Semillas de Libertad supports formerly incarcerated individuals through a holistic and intensive educational curriculum with the aim of increasing students’ wellness and reentry success

Project New Village
Project New Village engages in dialogue and collaboration with communities that have been historically reaped for agricultural production, but continue to be food poor and most affected by climate change.

The CommUnity Spot Collaborative led by Pillars of the Community
The Spot is a home base for leaders from—and working within—the Southeast region to congregate and build a sense of community; offer mentoring/educational support; and support local entrepreneurship.

United for Justice led by United Taxi Workers of San Diego
Established self-sufficiency for United Dispatch, a minority-led nonprofit enterprise that empowers low-income, immigrant taxi drivers to earn livable incomes and get fair treatment in their work.

Engage San Diego
A collaborative network of social-justice focused, nonprofit groups working to increase civic and voter engagement in historically and systemically excluded communities of San Diego County.

Partners for Progress
Partners’ vision is to make an equitable and vibrant, bi-national region where all residents are informed, engaged, and fully participating in public life and the cross-border economy.

San Diego Youth Development Office’s Pathway Initiative
Utilizing a collective impact approach, the Pathways Initiative identifies, supports, and reconnects Opportunity Youth to programs and services that ultimately lead to careers.