Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD), in partnership with the San Diego Housing Commission, invites you to join FTEHSD's monthly meeting for an in-depth discussion on the City … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness: Understanding San Diego’s Shelter System
Funder Meeting
Fundamentals Academy Session 1: Trust-Based Philanthropy
Join Catalyst staff and outside experts for the first of our four-part Fundamentals 101 series covering the “nuts and bolts” of Philanthropy. This series will provide attendees with comprehensive insights … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 1: Trust-Based Philanthropy
Funder Meeting
Learning from Lithium Valley
Organized by: Smart Growth California
Join Smart Growth California in the next conversation of their rural funder series, Who Benefits from Community Benefits? Their last webinar took a deep dive into the offshore wind industry unfolding … Continue reading Learning from Lithium Valley
Funder Meeting Fundamentals Academy
Fundamentals Academy Session 2: Advocacy 101
Much of our time is spent fine-tuning effective grantmaking and investment practices, but how many of us look at the policies that create a need for grantmaking? This session explores … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 2: Advocacy 101
Funder Meeting Fundamentals Academy
Fundamentals Academy Session 3: Understanding Nonprofit Financial Health
Join us for the third session of our four-part Fundamentals Academy series, which covers the “nuts and bolts” of Philanthropy with an equity lens. Jump in for a single session … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 3: Understanding Nonprofit Financial Health
Funder Meeting
Climate Funder Collaborative Network Wide Gathering
Join us for the 2025 kick-off meeting of the Climate Funder Collaborative! At this in-person gathering, we will review and refine the collaborative workgroups, identify shared funding opportunities, and discuss … Continue reading Climate Funder Collaborative Network Wide Gathering
Impact investing is a powerful but underutilized tool for funders to align investments with social impact and environmental goals, amplify their impact, and potentially create a sustainable source of funding … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 4: Impact Investing
Funder Meeting
Do the Work: Border Region
Do the Work is making its return in 2025 with an overnight trip to the United States/Mexico border. Participants will hear insights from those directly impacted by immigration policies, including … Continue reading Do the Work: Border Region