Join us to explore how arts programs can transform health, wellbeing, and social connection in our communities. Discover the innovative potential of social prescribing, a powerful approach that links individuals … Continue reading Arts & Intersections Collaborative: Unlocking Social Prescriptions in Our Region
Funder Meeting
Border and Immigration Funder Briefing
In light of the rapidly changing policies and funding environment for border and immigration services, our region’s network of support to migrants is experiencing deep and immediate impacts. Join us … Continue reading Border and Immigration Funder Briefing
Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego (FTEHSD), in partnership with the San Diego Housing Commission, invites you to join FTEHSD's monthly meeting for an in-depth discussion on the City … Continue reading Funders Together to End Homelessness: Understanding San Diego’s Shelter System
Funder Meeting
Fundamentals Academy Session 1: Trust-Based Philanthropy
Join Catalyst staff and outside experts for the first of our four-part Fundamentals 101 series covering the “nuts and bolts” of Philanthropy. This series will provide attendees with comprehensive insights … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 1: Trust-Based Philanthropy
Funder Meeting
Learning from Lithium Valley
Organized by: Smart Growth California
Join Smart Growth California in the next conversation of their rural funder series, Who Benefits from Community Benefits? Their last webinar took a deep dive into the offshore wind industry unfolding … Continue reading Learning from Lithium Valley
Funder Meeting Fundamentals Academy
Fundamentals Academy Session 2: Advocacy 101
Much of our time is spent fine-tuning effective grantmaking and investment practices, but how many of us look at the policies that create a need for grantmaking? This session explores … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 2: Advocacy 101
Funder Meeting Fundamentals Academy
Fundamentals Academy Session 3: Understanding Nonprofit Financial Health
Join us for the third session of our four-part Fundamentals Academy series, which covers the “nuts and bolts” of Philanthropy with an equity lens. Jump in for a single session … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 3: Understanding Nonprofit Financial Health
Impact investing is a powerful but underutilized tool for funders to align investments with social impact and environmental goals, amplify their impact, and potentially create a sustainable source of funding … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 4: Impact Investing
Funder Meeting
Do the Work: Border Region
Do the Work is making its return in 2025 with an overnight trip to the United States/Mexico border. Participants will hear insights from those directly impacted by immigration policies, including … Continue reading Do the Work: Border Region