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From funding essentials to urgent issue briefings – and everywhere in between – Catalyst events foster brave spaces to learn, push boundaries and grow together.

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  3. Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

Much of our time is spent fine-tuning effective grantmaking and investment practices, but how many of us look at the policies that create a need for grantmaking? This session explores a powerful tool that is available to you and your grantees/investees: advocacy. While funding can address impacts that have already occurred, changes in public policy … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 2: Advocacy 101

Funder Meeting

Fundamentals Academy Session 1: Trust-Based Philanthropy

Join Catalyst staff and outside experts for the first of our four-part Fundamentals 101 series covering the “nuts and bolts” of Philanthropy. This series will provide attendees with comprehensive insights into various philanthropic practices, along with opportunities for networking and collaboration. Key Topics Covered: Types of Philanthropy and Foundations: Learn more about the many different … Continue reading Fundamentals Academy Session 1: Trust-Based Philanthropy

Corporate Philanthropy Cohort: Making the Case

Corporate social impact leaders are masters of balancing operations and vision. While keeping programs running, you must also plan and prepare for expanding impact in the future, often while being asked to do more with less. Success in doing all this is fueled by how effectively you can advocate internally. This interactive session will break … Continue reading Corporate Philanthropy Cohort: Making the Case

Funder Meeting

Generational Giving: Engaging Your Family in Philanthropy

Navigating the world of philanthropy can be complex, and incorporating family dynamics can add another layer of challenge. Building on the success of our inaugural family philanthropy cohort, we are excited to offer another opportunity to explore strategies for engaging your family in philanthropy. Lorenza Fabre from Latattore Foundation and Kris Lin-Bronner from Dr. Bronner's … Continue reading Generational Giving: Engaging Your Family in Philanthropy

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

In the second part of our two-part Funder-Grantee Relationship series, we will continue to dig deeper into examining the inherent power dynamics within funder-grantee relationships, focusing on humility and integrity as a funder. We will discuss how we can put what we discuss into practice, along with how to address blind spots and gaps that … Continue reading Funder-Grantee Relationship Series: Examining Power Dynamics Part Two

Funder Meeting

The Fundamentals of Grantmaking | Session Two

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

The second day of our Fundamentals 101 series will focus on the financial side of things. We will begin by exploring financial due diligence and why it is an essential part of grantmaking, including the history and context of how systemic oppression shows up in financial statements and what key indicators funders might rely on … Continue reading The Fundamentals of Grantmaking | Session Two

Funder Meeting

The Fundamentals of Grantmaking | Session One

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

Join Catalyst staff and outside experts for the first of our two-part Fundamentals 101 series covering the “nuts and bolts” of Philanthropy. This series will provide attendees with comprehensive insights into various philanthropic practices, along with opportunities for networking and collaboration. To learn more about the financial side of philanthropy, join us at part two … Continue reading The Fundamentals of Grantmaking | Session One

Funder Meeting

Empowering Family Philanthropy for Meaningful Impact

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

We are excited to launch Catalyst’s first-ever family philanthropy cohort. This cohort is for those who engage in philanthropy as individuals, through family foundations, or through donor-advised funds and want to maximize their impact with their giving. Family philanthropy offers a unique opportunity to create social change by being bold, taking risks, and being responsive … Continue reading Empowering Family Philanthropy for Meaningful Impact

Funder Meeting

Corporate Philanthropy Cohort

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

We are excited to reintroduce Catalyst’s corporate philanthropy programming series! These corporate-only spaces will provide a space to facilitate learning, share best practices, and foster connections among CSR professionals in our region. Throughout this series, we will dive into key topics that impact corporate philanthropy, creating space to share insights about your program’s initiative and … Continue reading Corporate Philanthropy Cohort

Funder Meeting

The Journey Towards Equitable Grantmaking: Lunch and Conversation

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

Registration is now closed. Please contact Aline Racic for any questions. Building off the themes from our May Participatory Grantmaking program and our 2023 Annual Conference, we invite you to this discussion about taking the next steps towards community-centered grantmaking. Through peer discussions, attendees will examine their own grantmaking practices and consider what concrete actions … Continue reading The Journey Towards Equitable Grantmaking: Lunch and Conversation

Funder Meeting

Fundamentals: Financial Statements and 990s

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

If you are a funder looking to enhance your financial literacy and gain valuable insights into the financial health of potential grantees, this is the session for you!  This in-person Fundamentals series program will provide attendees with essential skills to navigate financial statements and 990 forms effectively, enabling one to make informed decisions when considering … Continue reading Fundamentals: Financial Statements and 990s

Funder Meeting

Thirsty Impact Thursday

Organized by: Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties

Join us at our quarterly impact investing happy hour where we gather folks to hear about the latest in the field from a leader in the space and connect with one another.  This series of impact investing socials is just the right blend of content and connectivity. Bringing you the latest ideas and stimulating conversations … Continue reading Thirsty Impact Thursday

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