Dr. Kim Phillips Boehm
The Boehm Charitable Fund
Finance Committee
As she navigated the pathways of a long and distinguished career in academia, Kimberley Phillips Boehm steadily became aware that one day she would need to step up and give back. This passion to make a difference blossomed during her days writing award-winning books and conducting research on the history and culture of African-Americans and U.S. workers. It flourished during her days earning a doctorate at Yale, as an endowed professor at the College of William and Mary and founding dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Brooklyn College-CUNY. Since she left academia, Kimberley resolved to make a difference in the San Diego community by pouring her experience and passion into Reality Changers, a transformative organization founded by UC San Diego alum Christopher Yanov that prepares youth from disadvantaged backgrounds for college.