Strengthening Democracy: Resources for Philanthropic Impact

Philanthropy exists to advance the well-being of people. In the United States, few things ensure this more than a well-functioning democracy built by and for the people. From our children’s education to fair wages and access to medical care, whose voices are heard determines how lives are uplifted or challenged. Philanthropy can help ensure that millions in our communities have a way to make their voices heard and have influence in elections and other civic spaces.

Grants, investments, and advocacy by donors and foundations have the power to greatly impact equity in democratic institutions.  In recent years, we have seen votes suppressed, education endangered, and medical care denied. Now is the time to support organizations fighting to preserve democratic institutions and protect our communities.

If you care deeply about youth, think about who decides how school districts allocate resources. If you are passionate about immigration, consider which groups influence federal policy. If homelessness is your cause, consider how housing policy is formed. Whether through supporting voter’s rights, independent journalism, or the right to assemble, philanthropy plays a vital role in ensuring the government’s decisions are informed by accurate information and the voice of the people.  

If you’re ready to get engaged, keep reading for a few ways to learn more. Also, watch for our voter education and engagement guide, launching in September, to learn more about voter education, election dos and don’ts, funding recommendations, and more.