Sarah Lyman & Roque Barros on Trust, Power, and a $7.5M Investment

Last week marked a pivotal moment for philanthropy in Imperial Valley as Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF) committed $7.5 million to Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation (IVWF) — a shift that transfers roughly 10% of AHF’s endowment into community-led decision-making. (A previous version of this article mistakenly listed the investment at $7.4M. This has been corrected to $7.5M.)

To dive deeper into this significant decision, Maria Peinado sat down with AHF Executive Director Sarah Lyman and IVWF Executive Director Roque Barros for a Q&A about the vision, challenges, and impact of this investment.

Keep reading to learn more from the leaders of this initiative.


MARIA: Transferring ten percent of your endowment is a very different approach to traditional philanthropic giving. Sarah, why did you feel now was the right time to take this step?

SARAH: We’ve always known that the need in Imperial Valley far exceeded the resources we had available at AHF — traditional grantmaking wasn’t moving the needle fast enough. Over time, we saw IVWF build deep trust and a community-driven approach that truly empowers residents. When they approached us about accelerating our commitment, we realized delaying could jeopardize the momentum they had built. At the end of the day, who better to make funding decisions than the people living and working in the Valley every day? This was the right moment to remove barriers and put resources directly into the hands of the community.


MARIA: We’d love to take a peek under the hood of how this decision came to be. can you walk us through the process? Were there any major roadblocks that funders seeking to do something similar should be aware of?

SARAH: The key lesson we want to share with other funders is that true community-led solutions require time, trust, and a willingness to cede control. Our commitment to Imperial County started with annual grants, and when we realized we did not have the resources to best support the Valley instead of just continuing traditional grantmaking, we engaged local leaders to explore a more sustainable, community-led approach, which led to the formation of the Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation (IVWF). AHF provided technical assistance and a challenge grant to help IVWF build an endowment, but fundraising proved difficult, especially when COVID-19 shifted priorities to immediate relief. Despite challenges, IVWF, under Roque’s leadership, built strong local partnerships and established itself as a trusted intermediary. Over time, our relationship evolved into a deep, trust-based partnership, leading our board to waive the matching requirement in favor of a $7.5 million cash transfer.

ROQUE: As IVWF became a trusted organization in the Valley, we were being asked to step into more roles as a convener and connecter, and there was clear value in that for our community. We knew we needed to build on that momentum and find ways to strengthen our capacity to support the self-determination of Imperial Valley residents and partners. It became clear that with AHF’s support and willingness to accelerate the $7.5 million transfer, we would have greater independence and capacity to manage and support the many roles we were being asked to play.


MARIA: As someone who lives in Imperial, I am eager to see the impact of this grant in our community. I know that this transfer of wealth kicks off a three-year goal to build the endowment to $10 million. When can we residents expect to see this funding put to work?

ROQUE: IVWF isn’t just about distributing money—it’s about building lasting civic infrastructure to support Imperial Valley for generations. Like any endowment, it takes time to grow, and with the help of a wealth advisory firm, these initial funds are already invested. After one year, we anticipate activating 5% of the endowment, with more funding becoming available each year as the endowment grows. This marks a game-changing shift, giving IVWF and the community control over long-term resources. And, this doesn’t change IVWF’s focus on helping attract and support additional funds to the region, based on community priorities. We’re excited for what’s ahead and can’t wait to see this investment transform our future together!


MARIA: Now that that funding has been entrusted to Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation, will Alliance Healthcare Foundation’s involvement in Imperial Valley change?

SARAH: Change is part of growth, and this transition is no exception. In partnership with Roque and IVWF, we see our role shifting to one of true peer learning and collaboration between our foundations.  Roque and IVWF have taught us so much about community-driven change, and we’re excited to continue bringing those lessons into our work in San Diego. While AHF remains committed to supporting Imperial Valley, we also recognize that IVWF is now in the lead, and we fully trust their vision and decision-making for the region. This shift is exactly what we hoped for—empowering local leadership to guide the way forward.


MARIA: How does Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation plan to engage with those of us in the community in Imperial in decision-making around the distribution of these funds?

ROQUE: At IVWF, our focus isn’t on becoming a traditional grantmaking institution—it’s about building civic infrastructure that truly supports the community. We believe the best way to activate resources is by backing community-led initiatives, ensuring that decisions come from the people who know the needs best. Rather than deciding everything ourselves, we act as an intermediary, working in partnership with larger organizations that want to learn from and invest in Imperial Valley. This approach keeps power and decision-making in the hands of the community, where it belongs. We’re here to amplify local voices, not replace them—because real change starts from the ground up.


We would like to extend our thanks to Sarah and Roque for taking the time to share their insights with us. For a deeper dive into IVWF’s vision and upcoming work, check out this article from Grantmakers in Health featuring Roque. We’re eager to see the impact of this bold investment in the years ahead!