Investing at the Frontlines of Climate Change: A Funder Toolkit on Climate, Health and Equity

As the impacts of climate change accelerate in communities across the country, funders in every sector face immense needs for investment—especially in communities that are disproportionately impacted. The challenges are profound. But so is an historic opportunity to embed a culture of health, eliminate longstanding inequities, improve the environment, and reshape our communities around the needs of people.

Exciting efforts are emerging across the country. But meeting this moment will require philanthropy to work ambitiously, strategically, at scale, and across sectors.

To support this, eight funder networks are announcing the creation of Investing at the Frontlines: A Funder Toolkit on Climate, Health, and Equity. The aim is to help philanthropy accelerate investments, advance strategy, and expand cross-cutting partnerships, especially by supporting highly impacted communities and populations in their own solutions-focused work.

Whether getting started in this space or ramping up existing efforts, funders can use the toolkit to:


Designed primarily for funders, the toolkit may also help nonprofits working at the intersections of climate change, health, and equity. Bookmark the toolkit and pass on the link ( to colleagues who might find it a useful resource.

Whether climate change, health, and equity work is already a priority, one dimension of your work, or a new interest, we invite you to use the toolkit to see how you can support critical work at the frontlines of climate change.