Funders Together Encourages You to Vote Yes on Prop Five

This article was written by Amy Denhart, Executive Director at Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego.

Let’s try a little thought experiment. Picture this: It’s election night and an initiative that would solve homelessness in San Diego has won a clear majority of votes. Fifty-seven percent — large enough that any political candidate would consider it a landslide.

You are elated because San Diegans supported a measure that will provide the city up to $900 million in bonds to create low-income housing, support substance abuse treatment, and expand mental health services. This would mean far fewer people and families pushed into homelessness because of this city’s massive housing shortage. No more tents downtown or encampments under bridges. No more seniors spending their golden years couch surfing. People struggling with mental health issues or substance addiction would get the help they need while also having a safe place to lay their heads at night.

If this sounds familiar that’s because it is. In the 2020 election, this scenario was Measure A, defeated at the polls despite winning 57% of the vote and public support of what research has consistently shown: housing solves homelessness. Unfortunately, this bond measure needed a super-majority of two-thirds because homeowners would have had to pitch in between $3 and $21 per $100,000 of the assessed value of their homes. The owner of a home valued at 1 million dollars would have been asked to invest $210 per year.

We have a chance to correct that on this year’s election with Proposition 5, which would allow 55% of voters to determine how we approach homelessness in San Diego. That’s why Funders Together to End Homelessness San Diego has endorsed Proposition 5. It’s a simple, fair way to represent the will of the people of San Diego, who are frustrated by both the needless suffering in our community and wasteful spending on ineffective stop-gap measures to homelessness.

Proposition 5 would also empower communities to pass bonds for critical public infrastructure and emergency response in our communities with a 55% vote when these bonds have strict accountability and oversight.

Too often, California’s efforts to address our housing and infrastructure needs have failed to deliver. Under Proposition 5, local housing and infrastructure bonds would include strict accountability, oversight, and transparency provisions to help ensure programs deliver results, including:

  • A clear list of the types of projects to be funded
  • Strict conflict-of-interest checks for local officials involved in the bonds
  • Oversight by an independent citizens’ committee
  • Independent performance and financial audits of all spending that must be posted publicly and reviewed by the State Auditor

The high cost of housing is consuming too much of our paychecks and hurting our quality of life. Many middle-class families and public servants like teachers, nurses and firefighters are being pushed out of the communities where they work. With Prop 5 in place, a reasonable 55% majority vote will enact effective measures to end homelessness, including:

  • Building new housing that is affordable for working families, seniors, and veterans
  • Building supportive housing for people with disabilities and homeless people
  • Providing first-time homebuyers’ assistance
  • Repairing and renovating existing affordable housing

Most San Diego voters understand that if homeowners invest a little, that investment will yield impressive social and economic returns for everyone. Let’s allow a 55% majority to approve future bond measures and not let a small minority stand in the way of housing justice, basic fairness – and common sense.

As always, Funders Together to End Homelessness appreciates your steadfast support as we work to find permanent, sustainable solutions to solving homelessness in our region.

We’re supporting Proposition 5 and hope you will too! If you believe this is as important as we do, you can support Prop 5 by: