Nancy Jamison served as President and CEO of San Diego Grantmakers (SDG, now Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties) from 2005 to 2019. Under her leadership, SDG grew as a network of foundations, corporate giving programs, grantmaking public charities, government funders, giving circles, and impact investors. In her role, Nancy gained unique insights into philanthropic and nonprofit practices while becoming increasingly aware of and committed to the need for philanthropy to reckon with inequality and racism.
Nancy led SDG to develop an equity-centered strategic framework with an initial focus on racial and gender justice; shifted internal culture and practices; and evolved member educational offerings and collaborations. In 2020, in recognition of the action-oriented network that had blossomed under her leadership, SDG became Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
While Nancy’s accomplishments are easily codified, equally important is the manner by which she traversed this challenging landscape. Authenticity, grace, and steadfastness are hallmarks of Nancy’s leadership. She was open as she learned how long-standing philanthropic decision-making processes unintentionally supported inequality. With vulnerability she shared her own struggle and emotion in committing to this work, and by doing so encouraged others to join her. As a result, she made great strides in moving our sector towards a commitment to equity, justice, and inclusion.
In 2019, Nancy had recently launched a consulting practice to continue to move the sector on a national scale when she was diagnosed with cancer. The Nancy Jamison Fund for Social Justice (NJFSJ) was established in her honor by local community leaders who wanted to find a way to keep Nancy’s indelible spirit alive with those working towards social change in our region, and to continue the work that was so important to her.