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Event Series Event Series: Fundamentals Academy

Funder Meeting

Fundamentals Academy Session 4: Impact Investing

Thursday, May 8 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Thursday, May 8
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties
5060 Shoreham Place, Suite 350
San Diego, CA 92122 United States
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$ 0.00

Impact investing is a powerful but underutilized tool for funders to align investments with social impact and environmental goals, amplify their impact, and potentially create a sustainable source of funding for future initiatives. Join us for the fourth and final session of our Fundamentals Academy for a 101-level overview to build a baseline understanding of impact investing, how it works, and how it might fit into your existing investment and grant strategies.  

We will introduce key topics including impact measurement and management, impact investing trends, and the challenges and opportunities involved in this space. We will also explore program-related investments and how foundations can activate their endowments.  

Whether you’re new to impact investing or just looking for a refresher, this session will leave you with the knowledge and resources to help you navigate investing with an impact. 

Target Audience

This program is designed for members of Catalyst. If you are interested in Catalyst membership, please contact [email protected].

Catalyst is committed to making our events accessible to everyone. Please let us know how we can help you fully participate by contacting [email protected]

Fundamentals Academy

Fundamentals Academy is the 101 of philanthropy you wished you had when you started your job. In this four-session learning journey, you will gain in-depth knowledge of essential philanthropic practices, understand the lay of the land of our region’s funding organizations and grow your own professional network within the field.   

Fundamentals Academy is a great fit for those who are new to the field of philanthropy and want to gain a solid foundation to build their work, or anyone seeking to expand their knowledge of the world of philanthropy. Paced to fit the demands of your daily life easily, there will be one session a month from February to May, culminating with a certificate of completion.

This year, we are offering our Fundamentals Academy as a certificate program. Participants who join all four sessions will receive a certificate of completion. Don’t miss out on the full series, register for our other Fundamentals Academy events here.

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