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On December 10, 2024, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors authorized the execution of a grant agreement of up to $1 million to Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties. The funding supports  onward travel and support services for asylum-seeking migrants released in San Diego County by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as the development of a long-term plan for migrant support in collaboration with the County, non-profits, and other governmental and quasi-governmental agencies.

Additionally, Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego (CCDSD) received $1 million to assist asylum-seekers with travel to their final destinations. These funds are exclusively allocated to reimburse direct costs for plane and/or bus tickets.

Purpose of the Funds

This funding aims to:

  1. Provide immediate support: Deliver onward travel and short-term assistance (typically 24 to 48 hours) to asylum-seeking migrants released by DHS in San Diego County.
  2. Develop a long-term support plan: Collaborate with non-profits and government agencies to develop a long-term plan for migrant support.

Who can receive funding?

  • Asylum-seeking migrants: Including those released by DHS into San Diego County.
  • Organizations working in San Diego: Any group offering transition-related services and onward travel assistance to help migrants reach their final destinations within the United States.

Funding Timeline & Payment Terms

  • Eligibility period: Reimbursable expenses must be incurred by June 30, 2025.
  • Payment schedule: Payments are issued monthly.
    • December expenses will be reimbursed by mid-January if reported separately.
    • If December and January expenses are combined, reimbursements will occur on February 15.
  • Reporting Requirement: Monthly reporting is required.

For any questions related to this fund,  please email:

Have questions or interest in receiving funding?

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