Mark Tran
The California Endowment
Mark Tran is a Program Manager with The California Endowment. He joined TCE in January of 2016 and currently manages Special Projects for the Programs & Partnerships Department, which is responsible for the development and execution of The California Endowment’s strategic plan, to help achieve racial equity in health in California. Programs & Partnerships achieves this through team-based learning, visioning, strategic planning, and strategic grant making.
Mark’s background in community development work began years earlier with his post-Hurricane Katrina experience in East Biloxi, Mississippi. For two years, Mark received his grounding in community development and community organizing; working with the historic Black and Vietnamese American communities of East Biloxi.
Mark attended the University of California, Santa Barbara where he doubled majored in Asian American Studies and History. He is a 2016 San Diego Leadership Alliance Institute Fellow and a 2022 The Funders’ Network Professionals Learning About Community, Equity, and Sustainability (PLACES) Fellow.